
If you want more information about installing plugins in Godot, please check the official documentation.


There are several options for downloading the plugin. The method you use will only influence the version to be downloaded.

Option A: Stable version from the repository

Download the latest stable version released from the repository.

Click on Textalog_v?.zip where ? will be the version number. It will start downloading a compressed file, which contains the plugin files.

Option B: Latest untested version from the repository

This type of version is often referred to by a name similar to neutral version, and refers to versions that are on the current state of version control.

This does not mean that it is working or usable. If the current state of the repository included some change that caused the plugin to start crashing, neutral version will also crash.

This download allows you to download an untested version from the repository, which is with the latest features added to the plugin (again, still untested). It is not recommended for use.

Option C: Stable version from AssetLib

Go to AssetLib section inside Godot Editor.

Search for Textalog and click on the plugin. Then, click on download.

Option D: Using git

If you're already using a version control with git to your project, you can add Textalog to your commit log as a subtree or merge it from the repo with a sparse checkout.

Add the repository as a remote reference in your current repository.

git remote add textalog


The installation of the plugin may vary depending on the option you chose to download the plugin.

Option A and B

Extract the addons folder to the root of the folder where your project is located.

Enable the plugin

In the project settings, in the Plugin tab check the Enable box.

Download the lastest release and extract the ZIP file. Move the addons folders to the root of your project. Finally, enable the plugin in your project settings, under plugins tab. It's that easy!

You can take a look in a more detailed tutorial in the plugin's documentation.

If you want more information about installing plugins in Godot, please refer to official documentation page.

If you're downloading the repository instead, make sure to move only textalog to your addons folder. Extra files and folders are for debug purposes.

Last updated